Monday, July 26, 2010

Tutu for Evee, Simple tutorial. :)

So, my 3 year old daughter Evee told me the other day that she wanted to be a witch for Halloween. I was estatic, and of course I wanted to make the costume right away, even though its only July. :) I looked at some stuff online and was off to the store.

I ended up buying::
1 yard bright pink tulle
1 yard neon green tulle
1 yard bright purple tulle
1 yard bright orange tulle
2 yards black tulle
1 pkg spider findings
1 yard 1/2" black elastic
Lots of ribbon to match the colors in the skirt
And Evee had to have little rhinestones which turned out adorable on the tutu

You will also need:
Scissors, needle and thread, and a hot glue gun (optional)

It ended up costing about $15.00 for everything with Joann's awesome coupons.

I started by putting the elastic around her waist, and then overlapping and hand sewing it.

After that I put the elastic aside and cut tulle, and then cut more tulle and MORE AND MORE! :) I cut each piece into 4-6" strips (they don't have to be perfect), I also left the fabric folded in half, and didn't cut it in half until I was through resulting in a nice length. You want the strips to be twice as long as the desired length.

I then went on to take two colored strips, and one black strip and layer them together and then fold them in half. I also wanted ribbon around the waist so I held that with the elastic as I pulled the tulle into knots around them both. Here is an example:

I have two stips of pink and one of black here. I folded them in half and made the loop you see above. I then perceded to pull the ends through this loop like so:

I alternated colors, and pulled my loops pretty tight. There are so many little things you can do to change the style of your tutu. Here is the rest of the process:

After I was done I added rhinestones to the waistline with hot glue and tied ribbon around the tutu and attached the little spiders. I also added a lot of ribbon in the back to go with the satin purple bow from my ribbon on the waist.

There are so many things you can do to make it your own, from color combinations to different embellisments, flowers, ribbon, etc. It was fun, and Evee loves it. Just need to pair it with striped tights, a cute top, and a hat and she is good to we just have to wait months and months. :)

I can make these as well, for supplies plus, a small labor fee. I love it, and while it is easy it is time consuming. This one probably took me about 3 hours to complete to my liking. Email me for a quote:

Thanks so much for stopping by,
Dava Marie

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